πŸ˜ƒ Demystifying AI Jargon

⚑ Spotlight
Understand better AI.

Ever found AI discussions as complex as a riddle you can't solve? You're in good company! Artificial Intelligence often feels like a secret language. But don't worry; we're here to make it clear. In this newsletter, we're simplifying AI. Let's explore together!

πŸ€” What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence, commonly referred to as AI, is a branch of computer science dedicated to creating intelligent machines and software. These intelligent systems are designed to perform tasks that typically necessitate human-like intelligence, including problem-solving, learning from experiences, and decision-making.

πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ What are the main fields of AI?

Machine Learning: One of the main building blocks of AI is machine learning. This is a way for computers to learn from data and improve their performance over time. Imagine it as the computer getting better at a task the more it practices.

Neural Networks: These are algorithms inspired by the human brain. They help computers recognize patterns and make sense of complex information, like identifying objects in images or understanding language.

Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP is about teaching computers to understand and respond to human language, making things like chatbots and voice assistants possible.

Computer Vision: This involves enabling computers to "see" and interpret images or videos, which is handy for tasks like facial recognition and self-driving cars.

Automation: AI is also about automating repetitive tasks, which can free up humans to focus on more creative or complex work.

⬇️ Want to know more? here are some useful links:

πŸ› οΈ AI Tools and Services
Our favorites this week.

πŸš€ Klu - Get work done 10x faster πŸ”—

Klu brings all your work apps together to help you work faster and smarter. Effortlessly connect your favorite apps with Klu, search, ask questions, and chat with your data.

Chat with unique assistants to get specific tasks and workflows done quickly. Unrivaled productivity. Jump in by selecting an expert assistant.

🎯 Bestever - GenAI Ads πŸ”— 

Designed to create brilliant marketing visuals in minutes. Generate hundreds of videos and image assets with a click of a button.

πŸ’¬ Glimpse - Chat with the internet πŸ”—

Glimpse is a browser extension that understands any site you visit. Read faster, write better & surf smarter.

πŸ“š Articles and Resources
Get to know more

The project aims to create a more natural way to interact with AI, fueled by over $1 billion in funding from Softbank CEO Masayoshi Son.

This tutorial will show you how anyone can build their own open-source ChatGPT without ever writing a single line of code! With LLaMA 2 base model, fine-tune it for chat with an open-source instruction dataset and then deploy the model to a chat app.

πŸ‘οΈβ€πŸ—¨οΈ First Impressions with GPT-4V(ision) πŸ”—

See the first impressions of using the new visual functionality of GPT-4. Understand how OpenAI is reaching a new height in the field, where AI can interact with image recognition, and how it’s working so far.

πŸ’¬ Community Highlight
The incredible projects of our Discord Community πŸ”—

Saga, created by members of our Discord Community, who are also Hollywood veterans Russell and Andrew Palmer, empowers users to turn ideas into polished screenplays with concept art in just 10 days, a process that traditionally takes years. It democratizes filmmaking, making content creation accessible to all, and offers seamless Import and Export features for a broad user base, from beginners to professionals.

πŸ’¬ Prompting
Our favorite prompt of the week

Following the main topic of this week’s newsletter, understanding AI better. What can explain to you AI better than AI itself? Ask your Chatbot all the questions you want and receive the perfect answers with this week’s prompt.

✍️ Try the prompt for yourself:

Imagine yourself as a teacher around AI. Use simple concepts to explain to me everything I want related to artificial intelligence. Make it in a way is simple but accurate.